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The energy and innovation literature highlights that behind all major transformations in the past has been the use of steam energy for industry, i.e. the change in energy technologies. While it is easy to see that at the center of the change in this example is a major change in the way energy is used, many social developments should also be taken into account. These developments alone may or may not have caused the change, but they also brought about significant changes in the lives of the people of the period. Changes in the way people worked, new means of transportation for travel, and some of the possibilities reflected in homes made them feel.

Technological developments in energy are mainly centered around electric vehicles, storage, smart grids, smart homes, increased efficiency, hydrogen fuels, and alternative energy sources. Each of these areas is the subject of other major studies. For example, developments in the field of hydrogen alone have the potential to completely change the world energy ecosystem, perhaps meeting the energy needs of future generations in a way that is not currently on the agenda. Each of these fields contributes to development by influencing each other and brings advantages and disadvantages. While there are many advantages in energy that are seen as a savior, such as renewable energy, there are also disadvantages to this type of energy.

Although the impact of developing technology is also a factor in determining innovation and R&D policies, the energy crisis has played a leading role in determining energy policies in general. The impact of the technological leap in the world in the last 50 years following this crisis has affected the energy field both on the supply side and the demand side. To understand this, if we interpret how energy technologies would have developed if there had been no energy crisis, we need to take into account the rapid development of technology. In those years, computer and communication technologies were taking their first steps to become an important part of our lives. With the developments that followed, industries underwent significant changes. At this point, the claim that the transformation of energy technologies has been behind all major transformations in the history of mankind, even if it was true in the past, has lost its validity with the computer and communication transformation. Although energy is now an indispensable source of our lives, it has ceased to be the biggest factor of change for humanity. Beyond the last 50 years and the increase in technology, the impact of the transformation of information technologies in the last 10-15 years on our lives will perhaps be referred to as the greatest transformation.

It should be known that renewable energy, which is considered a savior in the energy literature, cannot meet the world’s needs on its own. Unfortunately, some of the statements on which we place so much hope cannot really be realized. One of the most prominent issues is solar or wind energy.


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